1. postna nedelja 2025
Prenesi oznanila Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness (Jésus tenté dans le désert)Source: WikimediaArtist: James Tissot (1836–1902)
Prenesi oznanila Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness (Jésus tenté dans le désert)Source: WikimediaArtist: James Tissot (1836–1902)
Prenesi oznanila The Blind Leading the BlindSource: WikimediaArtist: Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1568)
Prenesi oznanila On the Love of EnemiesSource: http://catholic-resources.org/Nadal/020.jpgArtist: Jerome Nadal (1507-1580)
Prenesi oznanila Dore Bible Sermon on the MountSource: WikimediaArtist: Gustave Doré (1832–1883)
Prenesi oznanila Raphael, The Miraculous Draught of FishesSource: WikipediaArtist: Raphael (1483–1520)
Prenesi oznanila Vir: Wise Men Guided by the StarSource: Dore Bible Artist Gustave Doré (1832-1883)
Prenesi oznanila The Wedding Feast at CanaSource: WikimediaArtist: Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1794–1872)
Prenesi oznanila The Baptism of Christ - PatinirSource: WikimediaArtist: Joachim Patinir (circa 1480-1524)
Dragi župljani Kaple, Remšnika, Brezna, Ožbalta in drugi, lepo vabljeni na letošnje župnijsko romanje, ki bo od 3. do 5. aprila 2025. Naš cilj je: Italija. Podali se bomo v Padovo, Schio,…