1. adventna nedelja 2021
Prenesi oznanila Slika:The Powers of Jerusalem Will be Shaken - Titus destroying JerusalemWilhelm von KaulbachVir slike: Wikimedia
Prenesi oznanila Slika:The Powers of Jerusalem Will be Shaken - Titus destroying JerusalemWilhelm von KaulbachVir slike: Wikimedia
Prenesi oznanila Slika: The Anointment of DavidPaolo Veronese (1528–1588)Vir slike: Wikimedia
Prenesi oznanila Slika: Last JudgementMichelangelo (1475–1564)Vir slike: Wikipedia
Prenesi oznanila Slika: The Widow's MiteGustave Doré (1832-1883)Vir slike: Wikimedia
Prenesi oznanila Slika: Jesus is questioned about the first commandmentJerome Nadal (1507-1580)Vir slike: http://catholic-resources.org/Art/Nadal.htm
Prenesi oznanila Slika: Jesus healing the blind man near JerichoEustache Le Sueur or Lesueur (1617–1655)Vir slike: Wikipedia
Prenesi oznanila Slika: The Sons of ZebedeeA an etching by Jan Luyken from the Phillip Medhurst Collection of Bible illustrations housed at Belgrave Hall, Leicester, England Vir slike: Wikimedia
Prenesi oznanila Slika:Christ and the Rich Young RulerArtist Heinrich Hofmann (1824 - 1911)Vir slike: Wikipedia
Prenesi oznanila Slika: Jesus and the little ones - detailM. Bihn & J. Bealings, 1922, The John A. Hertel CompVir slike: http://www.creationism.org/books/BibleInPictures/Bible41Mar10_13-16.htm
Prenesi oznanila Slika:Table of the Mortal Sins (Envy)If your eye should cause you to sin...Hieronymus Bosch (circa 1450–1516)Vir slike: Wikimedia